Sunday 29 March 2015

Primary School Football Tournament

This is report from the Spòrs Ghlaschu football team who were involved in a primary school football tournament at Scotstoun last week. Well done to all the players and coaches.

Rinn an sgioba fìor mhath an diugh agus bha sinn gu math mi-fhortanach gun a bhith faighinn dhan chuairt dheireannach. 

The team played really well today and were very unfortunate not to get to the final.


Bhuannaich iad 3- 0 an aghaidh Cnoc Iordain B, 1-0 an aghaidh Naoimh Phol, 2-0 an aghaidh Coille-na-ridire agus a bha 1-1 le Hyndland  

They won 3-0 against Jordanhill B, 1-0 against St Paul’s, 2-0 against Knightswood and drew 1-1 with Hyndland (being 1-0 up until the last 15 secs)  


Sin e airson Scotstoun am bliadhna.  Taing dhan ar coidse Gordan a rithist.

That’s it for Scotstoun football this year.  Thanks again to our coach Gordon.


Le gach dùrachd




PS Dealbhan den sgioba na cois – Team pictures attached

 An sgioba an diugh:


Sorley Donald

Jackie Banfield

Lewis Anderson

Harry Craven

Jamie MacInnes

Kyle Gillies

Iver Campbell

Robaidh Whyte

Duncan Mackenzie

Reilly Carroll

John Higgins

Scottish Schools Champions

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