Monday 25 June 2018

SGG Sports Awards 2018

Player’s Player of the Year
S1           Sarah Bonad - Centre
S2           Millie Soutar – Goal Shooter
S3           Annabel MacDonald - Centre
Senior     Margaret Driscoll - Centre

Coach’s Player of the Year
S1           Sarah Bonad - Centre
S2           Millie Soutar – Goal Shooter
S3           Seona Macleod – Goal Attack
Senior     Robyn Paton – Goal Keeper

Female Athlete of the Year        Shona Carey
Glasgow Schools Cross Country Individual Bronze Medal and Team Silver
Top 16 at Scottish Schools Cross-Country and 4th Placed Team
Scottish Schools 800m Bronze Medal
Glasgow Schools 800m Gold Medal

Male Athlete of the Year             Daniel Moran
Glasgow Schools Cross Country Individual Bronze Medal and Team Gold
Glasgow Schools 1500m Bronze Medal

SGG Core PE Athletics Championship
S1 Girls                                              S1 Boys                                                
Gold                Sarah Bonad                                       McKenzie Morrison
Silver               Sarah Heap                                         Cameron Weir
Bronze             Lucie Mills                                         Sam Jarvis

S2 Girls                                                 S2 Boys                                                
Gold                Abbey Hart                                           Rico Marinovic
Silver               Ceitidh MacDonald                             Angus Callan
Bronze             Kerry Stewart                                       Robert Kay-Whyte

S3 Girls                                                 S3 Boys                                                
Gold                Beth Murray                                         Ewan Thomson
Silver              Annabel MacDonald                             Iver Campbell
Bronze             Eilidh Michie                                       Jack Nairn

Boys Toryglen Player of the Year                              George Simpson
Girls Toryglen Player of the Year                              Lauren Scott
Under 16 Player of the Year                                       Gilles O’Hanlon

Sporting Excellence Award
Boys                Robaidh Whyte S3
Silver Medal in 1500m and Discus Finalist at Glasgow Schools Athletics Championships
                        U16 Boys Football Team Captain
Member of the Glasgow District U15 Football Team which won the Scottish Inter District Cup
Girls                Abbey Hart S2
                        Team gold at Glasgow Schools Giant Heptathlon
                        Gold Medal in 600m at Giant Heptathlon
                        Cross-Country Team Bronze at Glasgow Schools Cross-Country Championships
                         4th Team at Scottish Schools Cross-Country Championships
                         S2 Netball Team Captain
                         Member of S3 girls Scottish Cup Netball Team
Team Silver at Glasgow Schools Netball Tournament
Player of the Tournament award at the Glasgow Schools Netball Tournament
3rd School at Paris International Festival

PE Commitment Award
Boys                Pol Monk & Findlay Crawford
Girls                Margaret Driscoll

Achievement in Sport Trophy                   
Daniel Moran
Gold medal in SGG Cross Country
Bronze Medal in Senior Boys Glasgow Schools Cross-Country Championships
Gold Medal in Senior Boys team at Glasgow Schools Cross-Country Championships
Bronze Medal in Senior Boys 1500m at the Glasgow Schools Athletics Championships
Full marks in practical performance at Higher

Captain of Senior Boys Football Team

Scottish Schools Champions

Finlay and Gabriel had their official last day at SGG on Friday 31st May and with it their last athletics competition together. They were jo...