Monday, 21 December 2020

Rest, Nutrition and Hydration

 Rest, nutrition and hydration are the three most important things for recovery. The more you train the more food you need to eat, the more water you need to drink and the more sleep you need to take. If you train regularly and you don't top up your food, water and sleep every day then this is very bad for the body and you will soon start to see some adverse effects of this. Your body relies on these from you so it can perform at its best for you. 

Core PE will be moving on to do Cross-Country Running in the New Year

Hello everybody,

Just a reminder for you that all Core PE classes will be moving to Cross Country Running. But why I hear you ask? Well there’s a number of reasons, including:

It makes us mentally tougher and more resilient. Having to run each step, through mud, tackle hills and cope with challenging weather conditions. This will equip you to you tackle tasks you find challenging in and out of school and throughout your life.

It increases physical fitness. Not only does cross-country build cardio respiratory endurance - running also develops core stability, speed endurance, flexibility, and muscular endurance too

If makes us become better decision makers. Yes, it really does. Deciding which route to take, how to tackle course obstacles, when to go faster, how fast to run reps or laps, when to save energy, when to make a final push for the finish...these and more become a mental workout in addition to the physical exertion. These will help you out in other subjects and in future employment.

It allows each pupil to set challenging but achievable targets and during the block everyone is active all the time for the full duration of the session which is important for us most other sports cannot guarantee this.

You learn how to progressively overload your training - useful to know so when you leave school and want to develop your fitness in your own sport or physical activity.

Increases your self confidence - you will see results quickly and this will build your confidence and you will become more of an I can person and have more belief about your self.

It builds emotional control - we all have busy lives and are troubled with unhelpful thoughts, being active is a coping strategy for a lot of difficult emotions such as anxiety, anger, guilt etc. Using positive self talk, visualisation, process thinking and deep breathing will help you through a cross-country training session and in other challenging aspects of life.

Running is a cheap and very easy form of exercise and at the Gaelic School we want you to experience a lifelong sport sport which will benefit you no matter your age, size or experience level.

Netball @ SGG 2024

Some netball highlights from SGG in 2024… Over 70 girls attended extra curricular club - highest attended club in any school for netball in ...