Wednesday, 30 January 2019

SGG Cross-Country Date Confirmed

Thursday 14th February (valentines day, because we all love Cross-Country) is the date for this year's school cross-country championships. The race is for all S1-3 pupils, this is what all your training in class has been for! Any S4-6 pupils are of course welcome to sign up too. The girl's race will take place period 1 and the boy's race period 2, both races will run all year groups at the same time so you will be able to see how you get on against older or younger competitors. The race will be 2.5km long (approx) and there will be medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd finishers in each of the year groups. We recommend that for the race you come to school wearing your PE kit. You will have time to get changed into school uniform after the race. It's important you come prepared as best you can for the conditions, that includes: PE Kit, warm clothes and/or waterproofs, old trainers or spikes to wear during the event, towel, carrier bag for your kit after the event and a spare PE kit if you have PE again that day. Good luck to all the pupils for the big day!

Netball @ SGG 2024

Some netball highlights from SGG in 2024… Over 70 girls attended extra curricular club - highest attended club in any school for netball in ...