Saturday, 7 January 2017

Scottish Schools Indoor Athletics Team

We are sending a team to compete at the Scottish Schools indoor athletics championships which take place on February 1st and 2nd in Glasgow. The event has only two age groups for boys and girls competitions, under 16 and over 16. Each individual event has an entry standard which athletes must achieve to be able to compete which makes it a quality competition. We are sending a small team to the championship but a significantly larger team than last year which is a testament to the hard work and improvements our pupils have shown in athletics over the last year. In preparation for the competition an extra training session will take place on Monday nights, please speak to Mr MacCorquodale for more details. Good luck to our athletes in each of their events:

Annabel Long Jump and 300m
Shona Carey 800m

Eilidh McDougall 60m and 200m
Erin Moran 200m and 300m
Lewis Conley 800m

Daniel Moran 1500m

Jacob Connelly 200m and 400m
Lewis Grimmer 400m 

Netball @ SGG 2024

Some netball highlights from SGG in 2024… Over 70 girls attended extra curricular club - highest attended club in any school for netball in ...