A chàirdean (Beurla gu h-ìosal/English below)
Tha Spòrs Ghlaschu a' cumail an Coinneamh Choitcheann Bhliadhnail Disathairne sa tighinn (7mh Sultain) agus tha fàilte mhòr oirbh uile gus cluinntinn mu na rinn am buidheann thairis air a' bhliadhna agus gus planadh a dhèanamh son an ath-bhliadhn'. Tha am buidheann a' sireadh dhaoine ùr a bhith an sàs ann an Spòrs Ghlaschu, mar sin ma tha ùidh agaibh ann an spòrs agus Gàidhlig nach tig sibh dhan choinneamh.
Bidh an coinneamh a' tachairt san leabharlann aig Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu eadar 10:30 - 12:30.
Ma tha fiosrachadh sam bith a dhìth oirbh, cuiribh fios gu sporsghlashu@gmail.com agus gu dearbh ma tha sibh eòlach air duine sam bith aig am biodh ùidh anns a' choinneamh, nach sgaoil sibh am post-d seo thuca.
Leis gach deagh dhùrachd
Spòrs Ghlaschu
Spòrs Ghlaschu is holding its Annual General Meeting this Saturday (7th September) to which you are all welcome to hear about the progress of the group until now, the activities of the group in the past year, and its plans for the next year. Spòrs Ghlaschu is always looking for new members to join the group, therefore if you have an interest in sport and Gàidhlig then please come along to the meeting.
The meeting will take place in the library at Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu between 10:30 - 12:30.
If you have any questions, please email sporsghlaschu@gmail.com and if you know of anyone else who would be interested in attending the meeting, I would appreciate if you could pass on this email.
Kind Regards
Spòrs Ghlaschu
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