Monday 25 March 2013

Spòrs Ghlaschu Cùrsa TOPs/TOPs course

A chàirdean (Beurla gu h-ìosal/English below)

Tha Spòrs Ghlaschu a' toirt an cothrom dhuibh cùrsa trèanaidh a dhèanamh ann an TOPs air Diciadain an 17mh den Ghiblean eadar 6 & 9:30 aig Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu. Tron chùrsa TOPs thathar ag ionnsachadh mar a chuirear seiseanan spòrs ri chèile airson clann sa bhun-sgoil, tro geamaichean is eile.Tha fàilte air duine sam bith aig a bheil Gàidhlig (de dh'ìre sam bith) agus a tha aig aois 16+ pàirt a ghabhail sa chùrsa seo.

Tha barrachd fiosrachadh mun chùrsa an luib am post-d seo, agus mar a chithear, tha an cùrsa seo an asgaidh. Mar sin ma tha uidh agaibh ann an bhith an lathair airson an trèanadh seo, nach cuir sibh fios gu RO 10mh GIBLEAN.

Bhithinn fada nur comainn nam b' urrainn dhuibh seo a sgaoileadh do dhaoine sam bith aig am biodh uidh sa chùrsa seo, agus ma tha barrachd fios a dhìth oirbh, tha fàilte oirbh fios a chur thugam cuideachd.

Le deagh dhùrachd


Spòrs Ghlaschu

Dear All

Spòrs Ghlaschu are running a TOPs training course on Wednesday 17th April, between 6 & 9:30 at the Glasgow Gaelic School. Through this course you learn how to structure and run simple games sessions for primary school children. We welcome any Gàidhlig speakers (of any level) of age 16+ to take part in this course.

Additional information is attached to this e-mail, and as you will see, this course is free of charge.

If you are interested in taking part in this training, I would appreciate if you could send an e-mail to by 10th APRIL.

I would also appreciate if you could circulate this e-mail to anyone who may have an interest in this training, and if you require any further information, please do no hesitiate to contact me.

Many Thanks


Spòrs Ghlaschu

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