Wednesday 29 June 2016

Prize-giving 2015-16

A big congratulations and thank you to all the PE prize winners 2015-16. Excellence and Effort awards were given to both boys and girls classes for each PE year group. Also, sports prizes awarded by the coaches and players were handed out along with special merit awards for excellence, commitment and achievement:

Highlights of 2015/16

What a year of sport it has been at SGG. Undoubtably the best year of sporting performances the school has ever had. Here's some of the highlights:

Glasgow Schools Netball League Champions

The girls played the netball league playoff (top vs second) against Holyrood at the Emirates arena on Wednesday 1st June. The girls knew that this would be a tough game against the best netball school in Glasgow and one of the best in Scotland. Both teams would be looking to take home the title in this winner takes all match.

The game stayed with the better netball in the first half being played by Holyrood. They passed and moved the ball well with their goal attack playing exceptionally well. The third quarter SGG played their best netball of the game. Annabel and Abigail started to link up well together dominating possession. This provided with Seona a lot of opportunities. Although marked by a very good GK, Seona was able to find space and score 5 points in the third quarter...(she did say at half time she was going to do this). In the final quarter both teams gave all their effort to win the match. Holyrood were given lots of opportunities to get back into the game which they did which made the last 3 minutes very nervy for SGG. The final whistle sounded with the result being 19-16 to SGG. A great game by both teams. 

Well done to the S1 girls who created history by becoming the first team from the school to win the Glasgow Schools Netball League. Played 9 games, won 9 games. The school has been playing netball for 3 years and this is only the second year the school has entered the league. Next year the school will be entering the Scottish Schools' Cup for the first time. With no facility to play home games the school will hopefully be able to use the Kelvin Hall for some of their games next year. 

The following girls played for the school throughout the year: 


Scottish Schools Track and Field

The school entered the Scottish Schools Track and Field Championships for the first time. 6 athletes went: Shona and Annabel S1, Eilidh S2, Daniel S3, Lewis and Jacob S4. All athletes competed very well on the National stage and should be proud of their performances. Here's some action shots from the Saturday with Annabel in the long jump and Eilidh in the 100m. 

Glasgow Schools Adventure Race

The school finished 3rd at this year's Glasgow Schools' Adventure Race. The school performed very well across most of the disciplines but were stuck for a long time on the team challenge which cost them the valuable minutes. Despite this, the boys tried their hardest throughout all the events to finish up as high as possible. The same team can still
compete for the next two years at this event which is great news. The mainly S3 girls team finished in the top 15 which was impressive as it was nearly 10 places higher than last year's all girls team. Well done to you all for your excellent performance. 

Sports Day 2016

Sports Day went very well this year with lots of competitive athletic events and some fun mass participation relays too. All performances counted towards the overall inter house competition. Hiort for the 2nd year in a row won sports day with Ronaigh very close behind in 2nd place, Scarp were 3rd and Miughaigh in 4th. 

Glasgow Schools Athletics Championships

The school had arguably it's most successful sporting day ever at the Glasgow Schools Athletics Championships. Last year we thought 4 medals was going to be the best the school could achieve for a long time but this year our athletes absolutely smashed that record taking home 10 medals!!! 

Lewis Grimmer who had never competed at the Glasgow Schools Championships before but this year he was entered in two events this year and what a day it was as he took home two medals! His performance in the senior boys 800m (he's still in S4) was superb! He paced the race perfectly, coming off the bend in the home straight and changing gears to take the victory. He then had to quickly go to the high jump. He was of course fatigued after the 800m but still managed to jump 1m68 to take bronze. 

Eilidh added her 2nd 100m medal to her collection by coming in 2nd place in the final of the S2 race. She ran very well, getting a better start in the final and made the Hutcheson girl work all the way to the line. 

Daniel who finished 3rd last year in the 1500m was going into this race with a bit more confidence having won the Glasgow Schools XC Championships in February. Although not a club runner but a competitive footballer, Daniel shows a level head when in a race. His pacing, tactics and sheer determination shown in the 1500m final resulted in him crossing the line in 1st place. Congratulations to Daniel on what has been a fantastic year for him in athletics. 

Erin Houston who's first ever hurdles race was in the heats at the Glasgow Schools Championships. She qualified comfortably and then ran even better in the final to take home the bronze medal. The PE department are delighted for Erin who has shown a fantastic attitude and put in a lot of effort in sport since returning to SGG. 

Two years ago when Robyn was in S1 she failed to qualify for the Shot Putt final at the same championships. This year she took home the bronze medal! She decided to play it safe and do a standing throw which makes her bronze medal even more impressive. 

Cailean who was making his outdoor track and field debut for the school took part in the Triple Jump. Having never jumped into a pit before Cailean only had 3 jumps to get it right. He managed to do this securing the bronze medal in his final jump. 

Josh was the first on the track for SGG taking part in the very difficult 400m Hurdles. Even more difficult considering Josh had never done a 400m before or raced over hurdles over any distance. That didn't stop him from putting in a brilliant performance and taking home the Gold medal in the process. 

Annabel who's in S1 is keen on athletics and showed at the Giant Heptathlon that she is a very good all round performer, sprints, endurance and jumps. She did both the 200m and Long Jump, medalling in the long jump with 4m25 and finishing 4th in the 200m final. Well done Annabel. 

Similar to Daniel, Robaidh is a footballer but shows good potential at running and is very determined. Robaidh running his first ever 1500m found the race challenging but did very well to take home a bronze medal in the process. His time was very impressive, so impressive in fact that he would have medaled in the senior boys 1500m. 

Other stand out performances included the S2 girls relay team finishing 4th in the final. Shona finishing 4th overall in the 800m time trials. Lewis C was 5th overall in the S2 800m. Andrew C S3 running a big pb in the 800m. Devyn 6th in the S2 boys Shot Putt. Erin Moran qualified for the S2 girls 200m final although injured. James Diamond was 6th in the boys Long Jump final. Very well done to all the athletics team for an outstanding performance. 

Toryglen Football Summer Cup Winners

Congratulations to the S2/3 Boys Team who won the Toryglen Summer Cup. 

Scottish Schools Champions

Finlay and Gabriel had their official last day at SGG on Friday 31st May and with it their last athletics competition together. They were jo...