Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Sgoil Ghaidhlig Ghlaschu - PE Dept Hall of Fame

Congratulations to the following pupils who have made it into the PE Department's hall of fame for 2012-13! To get inducted into the hall of fame you must have had some major sporting achievement over the last school year. Congratulations to the following pupils: 

Cameron Kirkwood Golf
Abbie MacNeil Highland Dancing 
Mia Paton BMX
Anna Smith Rugby
Finlay Benton Tae Kwon Do
Caitlin Paul Handball 

If you feel you should be included in the Hall of Fame or you're competing in a sporting event on a regular basis please let Mr MacCorquodale or Mr Mackay know so we can publish your achievements on the blog! 

Youth Games

Congratulations to all the S1&2 pupils who competed at the Glasgow Youth Games last Friday. This was a fantastic event with the various competitions taking place at both Scotstoun and Kelvin Hall! Sgoil Ghaidhlig Ghlaschu had pupils taking part in Rugby, Athletics, Tennis, Netball, Basketball and Orienteering! Some of these events our pupils had never played competitively before but across the board our pupils did very well! Results and Photos to come. Congratulations to all who took part, you were a credit to the school! 

Scottish Schools XC

We have a small but mighty group of runners heading to the Scottish Schools XC at Hopetoun House Estste in Edinburgh tomorrow. We have a tea...