Thursday, 24 January 2013

Extra Curricular Clubs

Here's a reminder of the extra curricular sports clubs that we have going on at the moment:

Monday - Running club before school, Girls Football after school
Tuesday - Dodgeball Lunchtime, Girls Netball (starting next week), football games boys an girls alternating weeks.
Wednesday - Athletics and Rugby after school
Friday - Running Club before school, Table Tennis and Rowing at lunchtime

If you would like to come along to any club please feel free to do so, you are welcome to come and go as you please.

Remember to check the notice board in the foyer for any information on any Inter House Competitions. Reminder of the SGG Inter House Cross Country Championships on February 4th, please add your name to the list.

PE Dept

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Primary School Shinty Success

Well done to the SGG/Spòrs Ghlaschu Primary School Shinty teams who performed very well at the recent Indoor Central Scotland League!

The Primary 5 team played very well to finish runners up. The Primary 7 team actually won the competition and and now go to Fort William on March 3rd to play in In South of Scotland Finals.

The P5 team play again on February 3rd and may yet qualify for the finals as runners up in the league.

A very well done to all players in involved! Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Public Lectures on Glasgow in Scottish History and Literature

Centre for Scottish and Celtic Studies

Ionad Eòlas na h-Alba is na Ceiltis

Lectures marking the centenary of Scottish History and Literature at the University of Glasgow

Public Lectures on Glasgow in Scottish History and Literature.

An t-Oll. Dòmhnall Meek

'‘An saoghal a’ dol do Ghlaschu, agus an saoghal
a’ teicheadh às’: Goireasan-Siubhail Ghlaschu
tro Shùilean nan Gàidheal'

('The World Converging on Glasgow, and the
World Escaping from it'; Glasgow's modes of transport through the eyes of the Gaels')

Thursday 10 Jan 2013
at 6.00 p.m.
Jeffrey Room, Mitchell Library

Monday, 7 January 2013

2013 Girls and Boys Football Fixtures

Seo na dates

Boys Leagues - S1 and S2/S3 All matches will be 7v7
Week 1 Tuesday 15th January Indoor / Outdoor
Week 2 Tuesday 29th January Indoor / Outdoor
Week 3 Tuesday 19th February Indoor / Outdoor
Week 4 Tuesday 5th March Indoor / Outdoor
Week 5 Tuesday 19th March Indoor / Outdoor
Week 6 Tuesday 16th April Indoor / Outdoor
Week 7 Tuesday 30th April Indoor / Outdoor

Girls League - SoccerG S1 – S4 All matches will be 7v7
Week 1 Tuesday 22nd January Indoor / Outdoor
Week 2 Tuesday 5th February Indoor / Outdoor
Week 3 Tuesday 26th February Indoor / Outdoor
Week 4 Tuesday 12th March Indoor / Outdoor
Week 5 Tuesday 26th March Indoor / Outdoor
Week 6 Tuesday 23rd April Indoor / Outdoor
Week 7 Tuesday 7th May Indoor / Outdoor

All the above to take place at Toryglen Regional FC. 4.15 -6.00pm

Summer Finals All matches will be 7v7
Thursday 23rd May Boys - S1 and S2/3 Outdoor
Wednesday 29th May SoccerG (S1 – S4) Outdoor

Each of the above to take place at Toryglen Regional FC. 9.30am – 2.30pm

Netball @ SGG 2024

Some netball highlights from SGG in 2024… Over 70 girls attended extra curricular club - highest attended club in any school for netball in ...